Benjamin Vineyards
Benjamin Vineyards

We at Benjamin Vineyards subscribe to the principles and practices of Sustainable Winegrowing.  We base our business on the three guiding principles of sustainability: Environmental StewardshipSocial Equity, and Economical Viability.  Some examples of our commitmnet to these principles are:


Environmental StewardshipBenjamin Vineyards is a "zero discharge" facility.  All of our agricultural materials are composted and used to enrich the soil of the vineyard. Our paper, glass, cardboard, and wood are recycled at the local county recycling center. Our vineyards are pesticide-free, and we use only environmentally friendly fungicides. We are active supporters of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association and the Haw River Assembly.


Social EquityAt Benjamin Vineyards, we believe in giving back to the community.  Nancy is on the board of directors of Family Reading Partners and has served on the Board of Directors of the Haw River Assembly.  She has served as the secretary for the Carrboro Farmers' Market Board of Directors.  Andy is past-President of the Hawbridge School Board, a Saxapahaw environment-focused charter school, and served on the Board of Directors of the Durham and Pittsboro Farmers' Markets, as well as the board of the Muscadine Growers Association.  We contribute a significant percentage of our gross revenues to local charities/nonprofits.


Economic Viability:  We continually support the economic growth of the area by purchasing our vineyard equipment and agricultural supplies through local vendors. We are members of local co-op stores that support local farms in the Piedmont area.  During the harvest season, we open our vineyard for "pick your own" grapes so our customers can enjoy fresh, healty Muscadine grapes-- and the beauty of our vineyards.


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© Benjamin Vineyards ~ 6516 Whitney Road ~ Graham NC 27253 ~ 336-525-2401 ~